2012年6月4日 星期一

Diablo 3 新聞數則


The forces of Sanctuary already stand more than 6.3-million strong and growing

IRVINE, Calif. -- May 23, 2012 -- Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. today announced that as of the first 24 hours of Diablo® III’s release, more than 3.5 million copies had been sold, setting the new all-time record for fastest-selling PC game.* That number does not include the more than 1.2 million players who received Diablo III as part of signing up for the World of Warcraft® Annual Pass promotion. Altogether, more than 4.7 million gamers around the world were poised to storm Sanctuary on day 1 of Diablo III’s release -- representing the biggest PC-game launch in history.

As of the first week of the game’s availability, that number had already grown to more than 6.3 million.* The above figures also do not include players in Korean Internet game rooms, where Diablo III has become the top-played game, achieving a record share of more than 39% as of May 22.


即係全球起碼有千分之一人玩緊呢隻game. 所以應該唔難發現你身邊既親戚, 朋友, 同事係有玩呢隻game.


...Diablo III Claims its First Real-World Victim, 32-Year Old Russell Shirley

Good friend and writer here at Gameranx, Dave Oshry tweeted that the first Diablo III-related death has occurred. It’s sad that we have come to see this as a common phenomenon. It is as if we all expected there to be deaths associated with the game.

32-year old Russell Shirley was found dead in his home over the weekend by his landlord and coworker. He suffered a heart attack after a three-day binge on Diablo III.

The blog post Oshry linked us to indicates that Shirley lived a sedentary lifestyle, and while his place of employment offered free gym membership, he was hard pressed to use it.


雖然都預計會發生, 但始終係唔開心既事. 打機都係為求開心, 滿足. 無謂搞到身體差, 甚至連
命都無埋. 所以各位戰友, 除0左在虛擬世界拼殺, 更重要係注意休息及作適量既實際運動.

不過, 對我來講, 0係呢個零星期既diablo世界, 令我好輕易減去0左兩磅脂肪. 都算為健康帶來一d正面既影響.

睇完呢則唔開心既新聞, 又睇睇另一則輕鬆d既新聞.







大陸真係除0左賊之外, 咩都可以係假. 不過, 今次係真啦, 仲係真係比幾個真菠蘿你. 吹都吹佢唔脹.